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Saturday, July 27, 2013


‘Tis rollerskating time again! You can invite others; they just need to rsvp to me and get a ticket from me standing near the cashier’s booth at the rink before they pay.

Christian Music Night at Roller Odyssey

First Thursday of the Month
Thursday, Aug 1st


Admission $4.00/skater CASH!!!  If there are enough skaters.  J

Includes Quad Skate Rental

Inline Rental additional $2.25

I need to get the reservation in by Wednesday, so please call/email me ASAP how many skaters you will have there for Thursday night.  Please arrive by 6:20
.  You can pay individually (after you get a ticket from me standing by the cashier’s booth J), but we need to have enough people there at once to get the discount.  If you arrive too late, you may need to pay the $6/skater fee. 



Monday, July 8, 2013

Buying or Selling Used Curriculum

If you are looking for ways to buy or sell used curriculum, here are a few ideas for you:

Keeping it local-
• List it on the HSG Homeschool Curriculum Swap & Re-Sale group on Facebook (Not on Facebook? Email HSG/Tika Weeks for assistance.)
• List it through one of the local homeschool groups on Yahoo (JCHE, URHE, etc.) These are just a few!
• New or used, find it or put it on consignment with Professor Mom's Schoolhouse in Medford. Contact Leslie Lundgren for details at 541-773-5101.

Need to reach a broader range?
•Try {BEST} Homeschool Swap-USA. I've been trying it out and have sold several of my items, especially those with less demand locally. So easy to use! Plus, there is an phone app, if you prefer.
• List your item on Ebay or Homeschool Classifieds.
VegSource is another option.
**Keep in mind that these long distance sales will likely require you to have a Paypal account.

I hope you find this helpful! If you have other suggestions to add to this list, be sure and share them :) Just one more reason why I love our homeschool community!

~ Tika

Friday, July 5, 2013

Family Vision Conference 7/26-27

July 26-27 at Cornerstone Christian Church in Medford

"Please join us on July 26-27, 2013 for the Family Vision Conference!

We’re blessed to have Pastor Kevin Swanson, from Generations With Vision, as our speaker. We’re also excited to have The Wintons
joining us! The Wintons are a talented father-son bluegrass band from California. Please be sure to join us for this great opportunity! Look around the website for more details.

Friday Night- July 26, 2013
6:00pm-6:45pm- Check-In/Registration
6:45pm-7:45pm- Session 1:Stronger Family, Stronger Faith, Stronger Freedom- A Vision for Generations
7:45pm-8:30pm- Pie*and Ice Cream Social
8:30pm-9:30pm- Concert by The Wintons Bluegrass Band
Saturday- July 27,2013
8:30am- Check-In
9:00am-10:00am- Session 2: The Heart of Fatherhood
-30 minute break-
10:30am –11:30am- Session 3:Raising a Mighty Man of God
11:30am-1:00pm- Lunch Break**
1:00pm-2:00pm- Session 4:Beautiful Women of God
-30 minute break-
2:30pm-3:30pm- Final Session: The Blessing of America: A Vision for the Future
*Please bring your family’s favorite pie to share! Ice cream will be provided.
** Please bring a picnic lunch for your family

Feel free to pass out our flyer to your friends, church family, etc. Click to view and download the 2013 Conference Flyer."

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fall Academic Classes by Arden Sleadd (GP)

Announcing Fall 2013 Classes for Academic Year 2013-14.

Offering the following classes:

Excellence in Writing
Apologia Physics
Advanced Math Lab

Courses include video instruction, which will be viewed in my home. Cost is dependent on enrollment, varying between $5-12.50/hr. Classes will meet once a week for two hours.

Excellence in Writing Course will target 12-and-up, but younger academically-advanced students can also apply. Course materials and purchases will be chosen according to current needs of students. Materials will be drawn from Andrew Pudewa's Institute for Excellence in Writing. Also, grammar and spelling will be coached if there is a need. This will dovetail well into speech club preparation, as students will read their work aloud in class and learn to use MLA format for speech competition. Enrollment Limit: eight students. Beginning September 17, and running for 24 weeks. Tuesdays 9am-11am.

Apologia Physics is a high school lab course requiring purchase of the Apologia Physics 2nd edition textbook, solutions manual, and some lab materials. Students will be required to do all written work, notes, lab write-ups, and tests. VIdeo instruction by Rusty Hughes of Apologia will be viewed in class and labs will also be done together as time allows. Enrollment Limit eight students, including my son Caleb. Beginning September 10, 2013 and running 32 weeks. Tuesdays 11:15am-1:45pm with a half-hour lunch break; bring a sack lunch.

Advanced Math is for Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-calculus and Calculus students. Math Classes will be ability-grouped and scheduled on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons. Video instruction and online tutorials will be utilized.

To hold your place in the courses, send a $25 deposit per student to my PayPal account at Then send me an email with your students' names, ages, and current level of attainment in the courses selected. 

In the event of a class cancellation, your deposit will be returned. If you drop enrollment prior to the start of classes, deposit will be returned. After classes begin, no returns will be given.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Apologetics camp, 7/20 (GP)

Teacher: Pastor John Sleadd, Household of Faith Community ChurchTo be held at Pastor Sleadd's home (with pool), 546 Jaynes Dr, Grants Pass

Cost: $15/student. Parents are welcome to attend for $5. Cost covers materials and dinner. We may need parental help with cooking and group study.

What to Bring: 
1. 4x6 index cards and storage box; prepared cards if applicable
2. pen/pencil, notebook or clipboard with paper
3. electronic tablet or laptop with webcam preferred, other palm device also okay, to be used only for study purposes
4. a sack lunch
5. modest swim clothes and towel (opt.). 

Host Housing available; inquire with Arden Sleadd at   

This one-day camp will be geared to both beginning and advanced students ages 12 and up for competition in the homeschool speech league. It will also be applicable to any Christian, young and old, in equipping them for giving a winsome defense of their faith in a hostile world. This workshop promises to be interactive, intense and fast-paced. 

Pastor John Sleadd has been a public school teacher for 26 years and pastor for five years; he is a homeschooling dad of five children and founder of Clarion Forensics Club in Grants Pass.

There will be an optional worship and mixer/fellowship meeting on the Friday night preceding. On Saturday morning, arrive at 8:30am with all your supplies, ready for a packed day of activities. We will wrap up at 9:00pm, with hang-out time (dance?) until the 10:00pm dismissal.
To register by July 9:1. Send the following information by email to Cheri Moore 
Name and age of students 
Name of parents
Mailing address
email address
phone number
Housing needs, if any
Club affiliation and past experience in apologetics competition, if any.
Total the cost at $15/student and $5/parent and pay through PayPal by using the email address Refunds allowed for cancellations before July 5th.
For more information contact Cheri Moore,
 or Arden Sleadd