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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

That's all folks!

I apologize. This message went out on Facebook last month, but I forgot to post it here.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls!
It has been a pleasure to serve the homeschool community for the last 8 years, but that chapter has officially come to a close for the Weeks family.
That's all Folks!

Blessings to you and yours,
Tika Weeks
Admin for HSG

Sunday, June 14, 2015


ATTENTION: The HSG website and Facebook page will be CLOSED for Summer! See you in mid-August as we prepare to enter into the new school year, but until then, enjoy this time with your family. We'll be doing the same!

Tika Weeks and family
The HS Gathering ~Southern Oregon

Monday, June 8, 2015

Wonders of Science Summer Camp

From Steve Holst:

Medford camps are July 20-24th at the Madrone Trail Charter School on Ross Ln.  Camp 1 is for 5-12 year olds, and Camp 2 is for 10-15 year olds.  For more info and to find out what others have said about the camps go to

Thursday, June 4, 2015

[OT] Cougar Sighting in Grants Pass

Mountain Lion (Cougar) sighting

Location: Northwest and Southwest Grants Pass

Date/Time: June 3rd 2015 at 7:00 PM and June 4th 2015 at 4:00 AM

On Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015 at approximately 7:00 PM a mountain lion was sighted in the area of NW Prospect Ave., near Gilbert Creek.

More info and WHAT TO DO here:

Arrows Info Meeting

From Arrows Christian Homeschool Community:

Come hear about the Mission, Vision and Purpose for Arrows Christian Homeschool Community from Arrows Director, Becky Abrams.

Monday, June 8 at 10:00am - 12:00pm

Email Becky for directions to her home.
Hosted by Becky Abrams

Children are welcome.

Monday, June 1, 2015

HSG Used Curriculum Sale 6/12

2nd Annual HSG Used Curriculum Sale 

Friday, June 12th @9-12 pm 

1119 Dakota Ave, Medford

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mayor & Council Seek Youth for Commission Vacancies

Complete details here:


The Medford Mayor and City Council are looking for people interested in serving on city boards, commissions, and committees.  Application forms are available in the City Manager’s Office, located inside the City Hall, 411 West 8th Street, Room 310 as well as on the City website at  Online submittal of applications is also available on the website.  Applications accepted until June 15, 2015.  Residency in the City of Medford is not a requirement for service as a youth member.  However, representatives must be enrolled in one of the following schools:  South Medford High, North Medford High, Cascade High, St. Mary’s High or can be home schooled.  Additional information can be obtained by calling (541) 774‑2000.

Mayor’s Youth Advisory Commission:   Multiple positions.  The objective of the Commission is to serve as an advisory body to the Medford City Council on matters concerning youth and youth activities.  Representatives of each class (grades 9-12) from the following schools, as well as home schools, are encouraged to apply:  South Medford High, North Medford High, Cascade Christian High and St. Mary’s High Schools.  Residency in the City of Medford is not a requirement.  Two letters of recommendation must be submitted at the time of application.  If you apply online, letters of recommendation can be submitted at your interview.  Commission terms run from July 1 through June 30 each year.

Youth Member of the Arts Commission:  One full-term position.  The objective of the Commission is to serve as an advisory body to the Medford City Council on matters pertaining to the selection, acquisition, restoration and preventive maintenance of public art.  Also advises the City Council regarding arts promotion, encouragement of the arts, and artistic performances to help foster broad participation in and understanding of the arts and their value to the Medford community. The term for the youth member of the Arts Commission runs from July 1 through June 30 each year.

Youth Member of the Parks and Recreation Commission:  One full-term position.  The objective of the Commission is to serve as an advisory body to the Medford City Council on matters pertaining to the acquisition and development of public parks, greenways and spaces, and recreation facilities, and also on matters pertaining to promotion and encouragement of the arts and artistic performances and the use of monies in the Art Fund.  The term for the youth member of the Parks and Recreation Commission runs from July 1 through June 30 each year.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

For families with autistic children

From the Randall Theatre:


This past Sunday, a family with an autistic child felt they had to leave the matinee showing due to a less than patient audience member who just did not understand the needs of the child.

Although they did not have to leave, they felt it was the right thing to do. Once I found out about the situation, I asked the cast and crew if we could do a special show for this family and the response was a resounding "YES" from everyone. Once I spoke to this family, we both agreed that it would be a wonderful opportunity to invite other families with autistic children.

If you know of any families that have a child or children with Autism that might want to come, please have them call the theater to arrange for their free tickets. 541-632-3258."

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

[JCHE] Used Curriculum Sale 5/30

JCHE Used Curriculum Sale
Saturday, May 30th
9:00 - 2:00

The JCHE Used Curriculum Sale is fast approaching!  So go through your books now to determine if you have items to sell, and mark your calendars. The sale will be the same format as the previous years in that you will label your books and then they will be put on tables according to categories.

The sale will be at West Main Church of Christ, 1701 West Main, in Medford, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday, May 30th. If you are selling, it will be just $5.00 to sell, ( but free if you still have a valid JCHE subscription). Sellers will bring their books on Friday, May 29th between 2:00 and 6:00 pm. You may download the Used Curriculum Sale packet (with the revised dates!) from the JCHE website at under the “ Newsletter Download section, which has all the information you will need and the master copy of the inventory sheet to copy. To sign up to sell and volunteer, call Debbie Ripley at 541-601-9198.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Homeschool Ballroom Dance Performance

Homeschool Ballroom Dance Performance

If your student is interested in taking a Ballroom Dance class (Swing, Fox Trot, Waltz, Tango and More), come watch our spring performance. Saturday night May 2nd. First show at 6:30pm, followed by second show at 8pm. Late show will include a short ballroom lesson and dancing. Tickets are $3, contact DeeAnn Todd for information.

Monday, April 20, 2015

OCEANetwork Conf Registration OPEN

Conference Registration Opens 8 a.m.

Monday, April 20th 


Homeschooling produces excellence in academics, in character, and in strong families. Homeschooling also presents challenges and opportunities to grow. Being with your children 24/7/365 can put unusual stress on marriages, finances, and parent-child relationships. But working through those challenges with the help of the Lord, provides the opportunity to disciple the next generation, to equip them in family life, and to develop close relationships between parents and children. 


The Oregon Christian Home Education Conference June 19 & 20, 2015 will help you seize the opportunities and meet the unique challenges of your homeschool by providing sessions on: 

how-to homeschool teaching specific skills and multiple agesbiblical marriage advicebiblical parenting and child-trainingparental-rights and homeschool freedomsSpeakers

Each year, OCEANetwork scours the nation looking for speakers to equip you to homeschool and to make the most of the unique family dynamics of home education. These are speakers who know homeschooling first-hand. God has given them a message that resonates with the Christian homeschool community.


This year we will be having workshops from Jon and Ann Dunnagan from Harvest Ministry, Daniel Craig from LifeLaunch, Faith Berens an HSLDA Special Needs Consultant, Gregg Harris from Noble Institute for Leadership Development, Hal and Melanie Young authors of Raising Real Men. They will be joined by Davis and Rachel Carmen from Apologia, Lee Binz from the HomeScholar, and other great speakers to help you homeschool and disciple the next generation.


Exhibit Hall

Gain hands-on experience with homeschool curriculums and materials in the 15,000 square foot exhibit hall as part of the conference experience. Speak with the creators of the curriculum. Comparison shop. Find just the right materials for your next school year.


Used Curriculum Exchange

Sell last year's school books or find bargains for next year - you can do both at the Used Curriculum Exchange. 


Visit for more information

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Classical Conversations info meeting

From Sarah Ochs:

    Are you a parent who is seeking to learn more about homeschooling? Do you have a desire to raise a child who loves learning and has a heart for Christ? Please come to an upcoming information meeting to discover how great an education can be through Classical Conversations. We are a community of homeschoolers who support and equip you as you homeschool your child. I am a homeschool mom who has been part of Classical Conversations for 7 years and I am excited to be Directing South Medford Classical Conversations this fall. I have been blessed by my wonderful community and want to share what a blessing Classical Conversations has been to my family.
Upcoming dates are:
Thursday April 23rd @6:30 p.m.
Tuesday May 5th @6:30 p.m.
        Thursday May 21st @6:30 p.m.
Tuesday June 2nd @6:30p.m.
Thursday June 18th @6:30 p.m.
All meeting are at Trinity Presbyterian Church 1332 Mt. Pitt St.
You can call me at (541)892-7579 or email if you have any questions or to schedule a personal interview.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

AMERICA AT A CROSSROAD--A Constitutional, Economic and Cultural Exploration

“AMERICA AT A CROSSROAD--A Constitutional, Economic and Cultural Exploration”

Medford Library – 205 S. Central Large Conference Room

Taught by Joel Marks.

No charge.

All on Thursday evenings - 6:30 – 8:30 PM

April 9th 2015 - Making of America

April 16th 2015 - Capitalism vs. Socialism

April 23rd 2015 – Principles/Philosophies of the Founding Fathers

April 30th 2015 - Washington Creates America

May 7th 2015 - Father of the Constitution

May 14th 2015 - Founding Presidents

May 21st 2015 – Restoring America

For more information contact: or call 541-770-5277

Monday, April 6, 2015

Wonders of Science Summer Camps

From Steve Holst:

Wonders of Science Summer Camps
We will be running two science camps the week of July 20-24th this summer at the Madrone Trail Charter School.  The morning camp is for younger students, and the afternoon camp for older students.  

If you know of anyone, or a group to pass these flyers along to that would be great. The webpage is ready for registrations at
Thanks!  We would also appreciate your prayers that children's hearts would grow closer to God as their Creator through these camps.


·Wonders of Science Camp 1 flyer
·Wonders of Science Camp 2 flyer

[JCHE] Group Testing deadline approaching

JCHE Group Testing

Deadline to register is April 30th!

Testing is still the Monday and Tuesday before Memorial Day (May 18-19). The location has changed. We will be at the West Main Church of Christ. They have very graciously allowed us to use their facility for free. The cost for testing has not changed. Since JCHE changed to a free newsletter format, we will still honor those who paid for a subscription through May, 2015, and you will eligible for a discount.  If you have questions about the subscription dates for your family, please contact Therese Hoehne at or 541-826-3560.

Please share this information EVERYWHERE. The application and information letter are below. Call  Lorraine for more info- 541-826-3427.

The JCHE Testing Information Letter can be downloaded HERE.

The registration form may be downloaded here and sent to Lorraine:  (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Shoestring Prod. Presents "Cheaper by the Dozen"

“Cheaper by the Dozen”
Dramatized by Christopher Sergel
Produced in cooperation with The Dramatic Publishing Company of Woodstock, Illinois

Based on a true story, this delightful and heartwarming comedy chronicles the adventures of the twelve Gilbreth children.  Their father, a world-renowned efficiency expert, runs his family with the same streamlined precision that he applies  to the businesses that consult him.  The  kids don’t always appreciate Dad’s unorthodox methods, but mutual love and understanding ultimately prevail.  Suitable for all ages.

Friday, April 24th, 7:00pm
Saturday, April 25th, 2:00pm
West Main Church of Christ, 1701 W. Main St., Medford OR 97501
(Between Columbus and 8th Street)
$8 General Admission
$5 for Students and Seniors (62+)
Tickets available at the door
For more information call 541-621-0148 or 541-779-0665

Friday, April 3, 2015

Classical Conversations Challenge B

From Nicie Phillips:

Informational Meeting:

This past year I served as an Essentials tutor for Classical Conversations (CC). I thoroughly enjoyed it and am now going on to be a Director for Challenge B at the Neighborhood Church CC campus in Medford on Stewart Avenue. The Challenge B program is for students  ages 13-15 who are interested in a classical education in a learning environment filled with hard times and fun work- I mean fun times and hard work....

If you have a student who is interested in Challenge B or know of someone who would like to explore options, I am having an informational meeting at the Starbucks downtown Medford on April 7th at 6:00 pm.  I would love to share more about the Challenge program and Classical Conversations for all ages. 

Nicie Phillips


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Classical Conversations Challenge A

From Emily Iboa (please contact her for the mentioned forms!):


I have had the privilege of homeschooling my children for the past eight years, and been involved in Classical Conversations for the past six years. During that time, I have learned so much about the classical model through my experience tutoring both the Foundations and Essentials classes. My family and I have been blessed to be a part of a wonderful community, and treasure the friendships we have formed through CC. This next year, I am excited to be directing the Challenge A program at Cornerstone Church in Medford. This is a program for students who are at least 12 years old by September 1st. I am currently accepting registration fees and forms, and have attached the forms to this email. The $125 fee will hold your child's place for next year.

If you have any questions, or need more information, feel free to contact me: (541) 951-1217, or

May the Lord bless you!

Emily Iboa

Friday, March 20, 2015

Kids Bowl Free this summer!

Kids Bowl Free!

Select bowling centers and schools around the country are participating in the Kids Bowl Free program. This program is designed by bowling centers to give back to the community and provide a safe, secure, and fun way for kids to spend time this summer.

When you register, be sure to tell them The HS Gathering sent you by entering where it asks who referred you. 

Children whose age does not exceed a limit by a participating bowling center are eligible to register for 2 free games a day, all summer long, courtesy of the participating bowling centers along with the schools and organizations.

Roxy Ann [Medford]

Caveman Bowl [Grants Pass]

Monday, March 16, 2015

[Off Topic] Support Local Homeschool Student on his Nepal mission trip

Looking for quality pork? Talk to homeschool student, Shad Brown, and support him on his upcoming mission trip to Nepal!

Details available in his Craigslist ad:

Sunday, March 15, 2015

HSG News! March 2015

HSG families,
Lots of GOOD NEWS to share!

After a false start to the beginning of the year, I believe I've found a helper! Please welcome my 15 year old son, Ryan, as our new HSG Junior Administrator. He will be helping with event coordination, Facebook and blog posts, and other administrative tasks.

One of Ryan's first tasks was to pair up those of you participating in the HSG Secret Mama Pals exchange. If you completed your questionnaire, you should have received an HSG email earlier today. His help meant I could participate too! 

HSG Homeschool Movie Day 2015 ~ DisneyNature's Monkey Kingdom was announced today! We have a small window of time to take advantage of group discount pricing so DON'T DELAY!

If your family is looking for community service opportunities, please consider serving at the upcoming Joni and Friends event, Sometimes Miracles Hide.

Tika Weeks

HSG Homeschool Movie Day 2015 ~ DisneyNature's Monkey Kingdom

HSG Homeschool Movie Day 2015 ~ DisneyNature's Monkey Kingdom

Join HSG homeschoolers at the 10am showing of Disneynature's Monkey Kingdom on Opening Day, Friday, April 17th at Tinseltown in Medford, OR.

The HS Gathering ~Southern Oregon has coordinated with DisneyNature for a group rate ticket price of $5.25 (adult or child) available only through advanced ticket purchase with HSG. 

Steps to register:
1.) RSVP to HSG via Facebook event AND by email at (Subject: Monkey Kingdom tickets)
2.) Your RSVP must include the total number of tickets for your party and your contact information.
3.) A PayPal invoice will be sent to you for the advance ticket purchase from the HSG email account. Please be watching for it! Your choices for payment include:
ONLINE via PayPal (check, debit, or credit cards accepted)
BY MAIL via USPS (mailing address will be in the invoice & must be received no later than 3/23/15)
IN PERSON to my Medford address( also included in the invoice).
Your registration is complete when payment has been received :)

**This event is open to HSG Homeschoolers and their FRIENDS & FAMILY, so SHARE!**

Any questions, please contact Ryan Weeks or Tika Weeks.

Sometimes Miracles Hide {Call for Volunteers!}

Sometimes Miracles Hide is a luncheon for mothers and a carnival for their children with special needs. While the mothers are meeting, we provide lunch and a carnival for their children. 

There are many areas in which you can serve. 
> Buddies
> Game Booths (Friday and Saturday)
> Kitchen (Friday and Saturday)
> Servers
> Registration

To sign up please go to VolunteerSpot where you will find complete information about each area in which you can serve. 
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on 
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to
register an account on VolunteerSpot)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send
you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
- or -
Call Rachel @ 541-535-8479 or email

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Shoestring Prod. Presents: "Cheaper by the Dozen"

SHOESTRING PRODUCTIONS THEATRICAL TROUPE PRESENTS: “Cheaper by the Dozen,” dramatized by Christopher Sergel Produced in cooperation with The Dramatic Publishing Company of Woodstock, Illinois Based on a true story, this delightful and heartwarming comedy chronicles the adventures of the twelve Gilbreth children.  Their father, a world-renowned efficiency expert, runs his family with the same streamlined precision that he applies  to the businesses that consult him.  The  kids don’t always appreciate Dad’s unorthodox methods, but  mutual love and understanding ultimately prevail.  Suitable for all ages. Friday, April 24th, 7:00pm Saturday, April 25th, 2:00pm West Main Church of Christ, 1701 W. Main St., Medford OR 97501 (Between Columbus and 8th Street) $8 General Admission $5 for Students and Seniors (62+) Tickets available at the door For more information call 541-621-0148 or 541-779-0665

Friday, March 13, 2015

JCHE Crater Lake Snowshoeing Field Trip


Led by a Crater Lake Ranger, ages 6 to adult are welcome to participate in a Crater Lake Snowshoeing Field Trip. This exhilarating snow hike will begin at 10 am on Tuesday, April 28 at the Rim Village. Please use your honest judgment regarding your family's ability to engage in this vigorous hike. Please do not bring a child under 6 years old. The Rangers are being lenient on us, trusting our judgment. Carrying children in backpacks is not advisable. Admittance to the park, the snowshoes and the guided hike are free to us! Please come only if your entire party is participating in the field trip. (Otherwise you are expected to pay the $10.00 admittance.) We will learn about geology, winter ecology, watersheds and engage in a snow science project. The hike ends about 1pm. Bring your own lunch to eat after the hike. Wear snow boots, waterproof boots, or hiking boots. A bread bag can second as a waterproof lining over the sock. Do not wear tennis shoes. Bring dry shoes, socks, clothes to change into after the hike. All participants should be able to traverse in snow. All families must have a parent chaperone. You can opt to traverse the shorter hike while others finish the longer route. A parent could take the shorter route with your younger children and send your Jr. High/High School age child to finish the route under the supervision of another adult. When you register, I will send you pre-education links, information and a park map. Please contact Laura Hreha by April 24 via or 541-858-2017. There is room for 30 students and 10 chaperones or a 5 student to 1 adult ratio. Should be fun...snow or no snow!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Urgent action: SB 321 to change Compulsory Age

from OCEANetwork:
Urgent Alert: Call now on SB 321 which
Lowers Compulsory School Age to 5

SB 321 would decrease the compulsory school age from seven to five years of age. The bill will be heard before the Senate Education Committee this Thursday, March 5, at 1:00 pm. The Committee needs to hear from you about how bad this bill actually is.

SB 321 directly affects home educators.
The state will expect children to be formally educated at age 5.
Age 6 will likely become the universal age for 1st grade achievement expectations, rather than the current age 7 which allows late bloomers an extra year to become ready for formal 1st grade education.
In addition to the existing tests at grades 3, 5, 8 and 10, a fifth test might be added for homeschooled students at the end of first grade, or even kindergarten, since there would now be 4 years of instruction before the 3rd grade test occurs.
While these are the likely outcomes for homeschoolers if the compulsory attendance age is lowered, they are not lobbying points that would influence legislators. They don't really address the heart of the issue: some children are not ready to start formal education at age 5.

Lobbying points:

1. SB 321 will harm late bloomers. 

Nationally, 6% of students 5-6 years of age are not enrolled (see report Figure 1-2). Many of these children need more time before they are thrust into a formal education setting.

Some children are not mature enough for formal education at 5, or even 6 years of age. Young boys, in particular, tend to develop more slowly than girls and thus would be vulnerable to too-early enrollment. Differing rates of maturation are normal.

There are no protections in this bill for children who are not ready for institutional education at 5 or 6. Their parents currently have the option of keeping them out of harm's way by keeping them out of school. This bill removes that option.

Forcing children who are not ready for formal education to try to do what is impossible for them will cause them to view themselves as failures, leading to lasting consequences. It will increase the frustrations of the classroom teacher as well.

2. Common Core standards are especially harmful to late bloomers.

Oregon has adopted the Common Core standards for student achievement. The Common Core requirements for kindergarten are demanding and can cause harm to late bloomers: The Washington Post had an informative article citing early childhood educators on the impact of Common Core on kindergarten. You may also find the report underlying this article to be of particular interest.

3. The education budget will suffer.

Mandatory universal full-day kindergarten across the state will require additional K-12 education funding when the State of Oregon is already facing difficulty adequately funding existing K-12 students' education needs.

Call to action:

Make sure you pray, call, and write. And if you can, testify.

1. Pray for the protection of the children who will be impacted by lowering the compulsory attendance age.

2. Call the members of the Senate Education Committee to voice your opposition to SB 321.

3. Write the members of the Senate Education Committee. Please tell them in your own words why you oppose SB 321. If you have a story of a "late bloomer" who struggled in kindergarten or first grade, be sure to share that with the senators. As always, be polite and respectful.

4. Testify. Testifying before the committee is even more powerful. Write out your testimony. Share your story. Stick to what you know. (If you are an early childhood educator who has experience with children this young, your testimony would be powerful, too.)

The hearing is scheduled for March 5 at 1 p.m. in Hearing Room C.

Here are some tips from the Oregon Legislature's website on how to testify . Sometimes it can be a little intimidating, but just remember to be polite, respectful, and to the point and you will do fine.

The Senate Education Committee:

Senator Arnie Roblan (Chair)

Senator Tim Knopp

Senator Herman E. Baertschiger Jr.

Senator Lee Beyer

Senator Sara Gelser

Senator Mark Hass 

Senator Jeff Kruse

Thank you for standing with OCEANetwork in defense of the freedom for parents to do determine when their children are ready for formal education.

Rodger Williams
OCEANetwork Legislative Team

If you know a friend who would be interested in this topic, please forward our alert or send them the link above to view it online.

You can help OCEANetwork protect and support home education in Oregon by becoming an OCEANetwork Supporting Family.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

HSG News Flash

HSG families,
This is not typically the kind of post you'll see here on HSG, but an important issue effecting parental rights has been brought to my attention. Since part of our mission here at the Homeschool Gathering is to keep homeschool families informed on "of interest" topics and events, I've decided this needs to be shared. 
The following is the email I received from Lynn Barton, fellow homeschool mom, shared with her permission, and the recent email from OCEANetwork. It is lengthy, but I would encourage you to read it, research it, pray about it, and take action as you see fit.

Thank you and God bless,
Tika Weeks
Administrator for the HS Gathering of Southern Oregon

-------- Original message -------- 
From: Lynn Barton
Date:02/28/2015 6:20 AM (GMT-08:00) Subject: Alert: HSLDA's alert on SB 442-3 
Mandatory Vaccination  

Dear home schooling families:

I realized vaccination is a very emotional issue that people disagree strongly about. Those of you who know me are probably rolling your eyes right now. But please resist for just a moment. This issue is being used as a trojan horse to trample on parental rights, and if it passes, it will affect home schooling families, as well as every child in the state of Oregon. It will also set a precedent that will almost certainly be expanded to adults and probably other medical interventions. If the state can make you do things for your own good and the good of the community against your will, there really is nothing they can't add to the list of desired behaviors.

OCEANetwork decided to be neutral on the bill, but HSLDA has come out against it as an unjustified attack on parental rights. Please read below.

As I have been researching the subject again (after thinking with grown children I was done with the issue), I have discovered that quite a number of vaccines now are made with cells cultured from fetal tissue from aborted babies. So now we must ask, is it morally permissible to accept vaccines made in this way? (I had thought it was only chickenpox and Hep A, but it is also MMR and many others, possibly as many as 23, but I haven't been able to confirm it.) Even though "old" cell lines are used, the practice has led to a demand for more aborted babies to do research on. I think the technology has progressed so fast that we are behind the curve; I don't find any information on this at Right to Life Websites (Michigan RTL does have information but it is not dated and appears to be a bit out of date). I believe the official position of the Catholic church is that it is permissible to take these vaccines because the cell lines are "old" and vaccines are life saving. I did find this link which appears to be an appeal to change this policy. There is a lot of information in it, but I can't verify for sure its accuracy. (At least the Catholics have thought about it; it seems Protestants haven't done much work in this area at all...)

Whatever you decide for your children, you should be free to make that decision without interference from the state. I pray Oregon Christians will get involved in the fight to keep our freedom to decide what medical interventions our children take.

If this bill passes and you have children in Logos, your child will be required to take ALL vaccines on the schedule. The only exemptions allowed will be medical, which will be difficult to get. Even if you are a completely private home schooler, depending on how the language is interpreted, your child may be barred from participating in sports are other group activities...even private ones. The mandate applies to PRIVATE schools as well as public.

If this bill passes, expect a push to mandate adult vaccines as a condition of employment, just as this bill requires childhood vaccines as a condition of education. The CDC has already said they want to move forward with requiring adult vaccines. I looked up the schedule; it's about 25 recommended. There are many new vaccines in the research pipeline, as many as 200. They seem to be added to the mandatory schedule as soon as they make it to market. I believe the current schedule for children recommends 69 doses for 16 vaccines from birth to adulthood (I keep seeing different iterations of this, but it's close.)

There is a website for the no campaign: and a facebook page as well.

This is a religious freedom issue, we must not allow it to stand. (In many countries of Europe, with its Nazi medcial history, vaccines are not allowed to be mandated, including the U.K., Ireland, Germany and Sweden. Wouldn't it be ironic if we end up with much less liberty than across the pond? They don't seem to be dropping like flies from dread diseases either.) 

Currently the bill is in the Health Committee, which has only two Republicans. Tim Knopp is one. He has said the pressure is working; he knows of three legislators who have changed their position to no, but that's if the bill makes it to the floor. I don't know what Jeff Kruse will do, but I believe he is sympathetic. But we need a third vote. I'm told Chip Shields (contact info below) is the swing vote we can most hope to turn. On the positive side, many Democrat citizens are very opposed to this bill and getting active to stop it. So if enough citizens put the heat on Salem, there is a chance we can do it. 

Please contact the legislators below (phone is better than email because it takes their time to answer your call - of course remember to be polite), and forward to any other home school loops you know of, or friends who need to know this. 

It's probably best to keep the focus on the religious freedom and civil rights...unless you have a vaccine injured child and a personal story to tell. Arguing about science usually is not productive. 

And please pray that God will move the hearts of the legislators to stop this bill. At the moment it is being fast tracked and very popular.

Trusting in God,

Lynn Barton

Begin forwarded message:

Date: February 27, 2015 at 12:15:31 PM PST
From: OCEANetwork <>
Subject: Alert: HSLDA's alert on SB 442-3 Mandatory Vaccination

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here

February 27, 2015
Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:


An amendment to Senate Bill 442 has been proposed that will eliminate both the religious and the philosophical exemption for immunization. The proposed amendment will only allow an exemption for immunization because of a medical condition. Often a medical exemption is extremely difficult to obtain and can only be applied to a specific immunization.


In Oregon every child through grade twelve is required to be immunized if they attend a school or children's facility in the state. A certified child care facility or a program providing child care or educational services to children up to kindergarten entry are defined as a children's facility. Children being taught at home by their parent or legal guardian are not operating a school or a children's facility. Thus, homeschool students are currently exempt from Oregon's immunization requirements.


If the proposed amendment to Senate Bill 442 is adopted, parents across the state will no longer be able to claim a religious exemption to any immunization they find objectionable. No parents will be able to claim a personal objection to an immunization that they had researched and decided that they had strong objections to forcing upon their child.


In Oregon children 18 months or older are required to have at least 17 shots including several doses of DTaP, polio, MMR, Hepatitis A and B, and Hib. They must also be given the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. Once a child enters Kindergarten a parent must show proof that he has received at least 19 shots. By the time a student reaches the 7th grade he will have been required to show proof of receiving a total of 23 shots. The Oregon Health Authority currently recommends 9 other shots including three doses of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). These recommended shots do not even include the flu vaccine.


We strongly believe that all parents should carefully research the immunization of their children regardless of whether they are legally required to immunize their children. Immunizations have a specific benefit and purpose. They also have a certain degree of side effects or risk. No one can better decide what a child needs than his parent. It is highly recommended that you discuss any concerns that you may have about immunizations with your family doctor.


Unfortunately,  the proposed amendment to Senate Bill 442 is going to remove the right, and the duty, of parents to determine what is best for their child when it comes to immunization. While this bill does not currently impact homeschool families, we believe that this bill will have a very negative impact on parental rights and family wellbeing in general. We urge you to contact the Senate Committee on Health Care members listed below and voice your objection to the proposed amendments to Senate Bill 442. A work session on Senate Bill 442 is currently scheduled for March 9 and we expect the Committee to vote on the bill.


Requested Action


Please contact the Committee members listed below and give them this message in your own words:


"Please oppose Amendment 3 to Senate Bill 442. As a parent I believe it is vital to the health and safety of my children that we continue to have the opportunity to object to immunizations that we are opposed to due to our religious or personal beliefs. As my child's parent I have the right to carefully research and discuss the immunization of my child with my family doctor without being forced to have my child immunized against my will. Please ensure that Amendment 3 is defeated."


Remember to be courteous when communicating with the Committee members listed below. You do not need to identify yourself as a homeschooler and can instead identify yourself as a concerned parent and a voter.


Senate Committee on Health Care:
Senator Laurie Monnes Anderson, Chair (D-25)
Phone: 503-986-1725
Phone: 503-986-1701

Senator Jeff Kruse, Vice-Chair (R-1) 

OCEANetwork note: Senator Kruse has indicated he will be voting against SB 442-3. You can write to thank him.

Phone: 503-986-1701



Senator Tim Knopp (R-27)
Phone: 503-986-1727

Senator Chip Shields (D-22)
Phone: 503-986-1722

Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward (D-17)
Phone: 503-986-1717


We support OCEANetwork's neutral position as Senate Bill 442 does not directly affect homeschoolers at this point. We will continue to work together to monitor all legislation and keep you updated on any changes to this bill or others that will impact homeschool freedom.


Thank you for your prompt action on behalf of parental rights in Oregon!


Thomas Schmidt
HSLDA Staff Attorney


Rogue Valley Symphony [GP] 3/1

The Rogue Valley Symphony is playing in Grants Pass Sunday afternoon. Student vouchers (download your student voucher form HERE) allow one student and accompanying adult to get in free, with discounts for additional kids/adults. You are allowed to use multiple vouchers.

If you've never been to the RVS, treat your family to a musical feast. Voucher holders MUST arrive between 1:30 and 2:30 for the 3:00 concert at GPHS PAC. You might even YouTube the music ahead of time. No children under 5 allowed.

The music director (conductor) gives a talk about the music at 2:00. In the past, voucher holders were given a tour behind the stage.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Pacific Bible College conference topics

HSG families,
Pacific Bible College, here in Medford, is reaching out to the homeschool community to offer more for our students but that can't happen unless we give them some input. Please take a moment and make a suggestion.
Tika Weeks
Admin @HSG

 ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- 
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 11:44:20 -0800 

Dear Home School Families, 

I am contacting you regarding the suggestion that PBC host a conference this spring on the topic of Christian higher education. The date we are projecting for this is Saturday April 18th, which will include a morning and afternoon session with a light lunch/refreshments served in between. We are planning to have Deanna Chadwell, our writing professor and department head of general studies, offer a lecture that morning. 

We are currently taking suggestions for the afternoon lecture, which we hope will be given by a guest from one of our regional affiliates such as Corban, Multnomah, or Simpson. Faculty have made some suggestions for guest speakers already, but we wanted to ask for your input as well since the idea for the conference originally came up in conversation with you all. 

Also please feel free to offer input as to what you might like to see offered at this conference: how can PBC best showcase itself to address the needs and concerns of the home school community or of the Rogue Valley graduating high school class in general? 

Thank you for your partnership! 
Dan Nicholas 
Student Services Coordinator 
Pacific Bible College 
 Medford, OR 
(541) 776-9942

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Beyond the Mask movie UPDATE


Beyond the Mask movie UPDATE:
I am disappointed to announce that due to the lack of response from Cinemark to bring Beyond the Mask to Medford's Tinseltown, HSG can no longer pursue the film as this year's feature for our annual Homeschool Movie Day.

Southgate Cinemas in Grants Pass is making progress to bring the film there and I would like to encourage you all to purchase your movie tickets there. A Facebook Event has been set up with the information you'll need and where to purchase your tickets in advance.

Thank you! HSG will be moving on to our next consideration for Homeschool Movie Day and announcing details soon.
~ Tika Weeks
HSG Admin

Monday, February 16, 2015

JCHE Testing Info

The following JCHE Testing Information Letter can be downloaded HERE.

JCHE Testing Monday & Tuesday
May 18-19, 2015 TIMES:
**NEW LOCATION-West Main Church of Christ 1701 West Main St. Medford, OR 97501
Please do not call the church for information.

KINDERGARTEN: Unknown, depending on # of students; we will call you;
FIRST GRADE: Unknown, depending on # of students; we will call you;
SECOND GRADE: Also unknown, depending on # of students; we will call you;
THIRD GRADE: Mon. & Tues. 8:30-11:00 AM (Approximate ending time)
FOURTH-FIFTH GRADE: Mon. & Tues. 8:30-11:30 AM (Approximate ending time)
SIXTH-EIGHTH GRADE: Mon. & Tues. 8:30-11:30 AM (Approximate ending time)
NINTH-TWELFTH GRADE: Mon. & Tues. 8:30-11:30 AM (Approximate ending time)

REGISTRATION: Please put these dates and times for testing on your calendar. Then fill out and mail your registration (DOWNLOAD HERE) to JCHE, PO Box 562, Eagle Point, OR 97524 OR email a copy to

Call Lorraine Kimmel at 541-826-3427 or email if you have any questions about registration. This number is now my cell phone. Checks should be made out to JCHE. You do not need to send money now, but please get registered, so we can reserve a test for your child.

For questions about the test, call Nancy Olson at 541-601-2257 (days) and 541- 878-4238 (evenings only). Lorraine will not be available from March 14-March 29. We are going to Israel (WOW!). Thank-you, Lord.

Just for your information, I do not deposit any checks until the last morning of testing. It makes cancellations much easier.

On Monday morning, please plan to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start time for your test, in order to check in, get name tags, etc. If you are volunteering, allow a few extra minutes. On Tuesday, you may come 10-15 minutes before start time. If you have a first through fourth grader, please accompany them to their room and help them fill out the cover of their test booklet or answer sheet.


SUPPLIES TO BRING OR NOT BRING TO TESTING Please bring scratch paper, a healthy snack & drink, several sharpened #2 pencils, a book to read, and a self- addressed, stamped business (long white #10) size envelope for each child in the family. This is a relatively new change. If you prefer, you are welcome to send the envelope(s) in with your pre-registration.

We will mail your test results to YOU in the self-addressed, stamped envelope that you give us. YOU KEEP THE RESULTS. The copy you get is the only copy, so guard it well.☺ The ESD does NOT want the results. In fact, they may get irritated if you try to turn them in. They may request them from you in the future, however. If you decide to enroll your child in school or they are participating in sports, the school, or coach & or athletic director will want a copy of the scores. The ESD does NOT want forms for athletics. The schools require testing every year that a student wants to participate in sports or other school activities. If you have a problem or need a different form, call Nancy at (541-601-2257).

If your child will be 7 years old on this coming September 1st, he/she is NOT REQUIRED TO BE TESTED. You do
need to register each child the FIRST year that you home school them (when they turn 7 by or on September 1st). Do not re-register in subsequent years. The phone number for the Jackson ESD is 541-776-8590, if you
have questions for them.

Grades 3, 5, 8, and 10 are required to be tested by August 15th. We still recommend that you begin testing your child prior to 3rd grade. Third grade is late to discover that you have a problem that testing might have alerted you to.
We will have a childcare area for those who want to volunteer, but have children who are not testing, or moms who want to stick around.

Please remember we need to be considerate of those testing. This year, everything will be inside of the main building, so it is VERY IMPORTANT that we be as quiet as possible. There will also be a Pre-School going on at the same time. We will need to be sure not to interfere with that. Please do not smoke on church grounds.

Students need to get plenty of rest the night before testing. They will be more alert and able to concentrate better if their snack and drink is not sugary or simple carbohydrate.

Think about how your child did last year and whether or not a large group will distract or hinder your child from showing what he/she really knows. If you decide that large group testing is not for one or more of your children, small group testers this year are: Nancy Olson (541-601-2257), Cindy Dick (541-772-4012), and Cecile Enright (541-821-6035). There are about 4-6 children testing at a time and the cost is $47.00/child.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Jackson Co Right to Life Oratory Contest

The Jackson County Right to Life annual oratory contest will be held the 9th or 10th of March, 2015.

The contest is open to any Southern Oregon high school junior or senior. The speech is to be at least 5 and no more than 7 minutes focussing on abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, embryonic or adult stem cell research. Focus on one of these topics.

The winner will compete at the State level on April 11, 2015 at the Portland Oregon Right to Life Conference. The winner there gets $400 and a paid trip to compete at the National Right to Life Conference in New Orleans on July 11, 2015.

Any junior or senior wishing to participate should immediately contact Dale Sauer at 541-535-1810 or

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Spelling Bee for Home Schoolers via Medford School District

(From Medford School District)
Medford School District will be conducting their division spelling bees sometime in April this year. If you have any homeschool inquiries about the spelling bee from homeschoolers whose attendance area is MSD, you can have them contact me and I will be happy to direct them to the contest for their division.

Per the Oregon Spellers rules: “Home School/non-affiliated Students: Home schooled or otherwise “non-affiliated” students compete in the District competition in their appropriate Division.”

You can also direct them to this website for further information:

For the Kids,
Tresa Jarel
Medford School District 549C
Curriculum and Assessment Office Assistant
*Curriculum *Assessment *Music *
Staff Development
(541) 842-1015 Work
(541) 842-1090 Fax
815 South Oakdale Avenue
Medford, OR 97501

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Activities around town for Littles under age 10

Thanks to Aja, one of HSG's new helpers, for these activities!

YMCA play group. Monday's 10-11 and Thursdays 9-10. The gym is open and kids get to ride bikes, play ball, go on bounce track.... On Thursdays there is a story time after

Tues. K9 buddies. Kids read to dogs.
Storytime Wed 11-12

This coming Sat and every first Saturday at Home Depot they offer free projects kids can build. 9-12

This Wed. and first Wed of the month the ScienceWorks in Ashland is free.

These are all on going.
They are all free.

Kids' Nature programs [Williams/GP]

Winter's Wonderland kids nature programs

A weekly Saturday program will be offered at Pacifica community center and botanical sanctuary in the Williams/Provolt area. Kids age 6-12 can spend Saturdays outside, engaging with the winter landscape and learning about the cycles and patterns in nature and how they relate to our everyday lives. A rotating collective of skilled and fun-loving local instructors will provide meaningful mentorship and guidance. Saturdays in February (7, 14, 21, 28th) 10am-3pm cost is $30 weekly, siblings discounted optional 9 am drop off with notice for $5 additional weekly fee Kids will be asked to bring a bag lunch and snacks, a water bottle, raingear, extra socks, waterproof shoes Explorations include: -nature awareness games and exercises -nature observation, tracking, birds and wildlife, winter botany -survival skills like friction fire and primitive shelter -creative play in nature, fairy houses -songs and storytelling for earth wisdom -community and interpersonal relationships, deep listening Nature connected kids grow into nature connected communities! CONTACT: 541-660-4295 for more information to register