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Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
OR Right To Life Oratory Contest
This is a special message for high school juniors and seniors:
Researching the issues affecting the beginning and end of life, coming to an educated conclusion on these issues, and learning to articulate them are vital skills--and I’d like to tell you about an upcoming opportunity to do just that: The Jackson County chapter of Oregon Right to Life is sponsoring an oratory contest. Think of this as an opportunity to study what is meant when we use the phrase “sanctity of life”, to discuss the issues with your parents, pastors, and friends, and develop the skills to articulate your ideas.
Participants in this competition will prepare and deliver a 5-7 minute speech focusing on abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, or stem cell research. These are the issues you will be making decisions about and voting on in the very near future. They are issues foundational to our humanity and it is so important that you use your energy, your intelligence and your voice to speak out for the sanctity of life.
The contest will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 7pm, at Cornerstone Christian Church. Deadline for registration is February 25. Please contact Veronika Comerchero at (541)245-2959 to register. Once you register with your name and address, I will send you a packet with further information.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Shoestring Productions Theatrical Troupe
Sorry I didn't get this posted sooner, but they did confirm it's not too late to join! ~ Tika
The first day of Shoestring Productions Theatrical Troupe is this Thursday, January 2nd, 1:30
to 3:30 pm
at West Main Church of Christ. Parents and students please attend for announcements, schedule information, tuition information, registration and theatre games. The informational meeting is before the games so parents can choose to stay or leave when the games begin. All other Thursdays, class time is 1:30 pm
to 4:30 pm. Our performance is scheduled for the last weekend in April, 2014. Please contact Jeannie Everingham for questions
Monday, January 6, 2014
The HS Gathering ~ Winter 2014
- Saturday, January 25, 2014
- 6:00pm
Tika's Gathering Place The HS Gathering ~ Winter 2014
(aka "Mom's Night In")
Please join me for an evening of good food and great fellowship with other homeschool mamas!
Three things:
-There will be a FUN PROJECT to do together, NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY :)
-There will be CHOCOLATE, so please bring something to DIP
-There will be a SMALL GIFT, so please RSVP and let me know if you are bringing a friend ♥
Please RSVP for exact location and directions. Thank you!
~ Tika Weeks
Friday, January 3, 2014
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Love Notes Project
From Rachel Olstad:
Here’s some info for a simple yet meaningful community service project – and it can double up as art. Better yet, throw a Valentines party for your homeschool friends and do the project together!
*It’s LOVE NOTES sponsored by Joni and Friends Southern Oregon:*
Bless and encourage a family affected by disability with a Valentine. Last year we collected over 4000 Valentines that we mailed to 80 homes. Help us meet or even surpass this amount!
Be part of this exciting ministry by making or buying Valentines. Include a Bible verse or a word of encouragement, and if you wish, a small gift such as candy, gift certificates, DQ tokens, etc.
We will need your Valentines by February 7, 2014
. You can either mail or deliver the Valentines.
Joni and Friends Southern Oregon
PO Box 526
Talent, OR 97540
925 Rebecca Drive