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Thursday, March 7, 2013

JCHE's History Day 3/15

Mark your calendars for Friday, March 15th for our next History Day! We are hard at work putting together a
day to learn together about "Charged Up - Electricity Changed the World!". This will be done the same way as
we have in the past with families attending and going through learning stations, and sharing a pot luck lunch
together. It will be from 9:00 a.m. until about 1:30 p.m. at West Main Church of Christ, on Friday, March 15th.
The cost is $5.00 per family for JCHE subscribers and $10.00 per non - subscriber families. All family members
are invited to attend, but the stations will be geared to Kindergarten and up.
For this History Day, we are asking that each family do a one page report on any inventor, from any time
period, including a picture of the person and of the invention. It can be as simple as one paragraph, or more
detailed. Then we will let everyone attending know the number of families involved and we will have you
bring that many copies of your "report". During our history day, one of the coordinators will compile the
"reports" chronologically into a folder for each family to take home. When you register, let us know who you
would like to report on so we don't have any duplicates.
The schedule will be as follows:
8:30 - 9:00: Check in; go to sanctuary
9:00: Welcome, overview of topic, split into 4 groups
9:30 - 10:00: Rotation #1
10:15 - 10:45: Rotation #2
11:00 - 11:30: Rotation #3
11:45 - 12:15: Rotation #4
12:30 - 1:30: Lunch, receive your folders with copies of everyone's reports, dismissal.
At Stations #1-3, we will have a time line for each family to complete during the presentations. At Station #4,
each family will have a few minutes to share about their inventor.
We will also be having a potluck lunch. For the lunch we are asking each family to bring a dish from either
their inventor's time period or country of origin. Write up a 3x5 card about what the dish is and the inventor's
name. JCHE will provide the beverages, fruit, extra sandwiches, plus paper goods.
We strongly encourage you to register early, as these have been very popular days in the past! Space is limited
and filling up fast! And you must pre-register by Tuesday, March 12th! We only have a few spaces left!
To register, email Therese at or call 541-826-3560. I will need your name, number and
ages of the children attending, phone number, email address, and the name of the inventor you will be
reporting on. You may do one inventor per family, or your children may each do one. You may prepay or
pay at the door

Tika Weeks
The HS Gathering

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