from Shoestring Productions:
Hello again!
Shoestring Productions will be making some changes for the Fall term.
Our last performance made no fiscal profit, therefore there isn't enough money in the account to fund a fall production. If you want more information on the "money matters" just ask Carleen, Laura or Jeannie, we can show you a financial statement. Having no production will save at least $500.00 of expenses. Jeannie is excited to teach more skills and less focus on production for a season.
Instead of a production (play), it has been decided to conduct "Theatre Skills Workshops". These classes conducted by Jeannie and Laura Rogers, are all those fun skits, recitations, improvisations, and games that the students always enjoy and usually ask for more! Theatre skills teach public speaking, cooperation, communication, planning, quick thinking, focus, articulation, trust and confidence. Students will be involved and participating throughout the entire class time. There may some take home assignments to prepare for the presentation night. The presentation night will be a way for students to "show off" their skills learned during the Skills Workshops. Presentation Night will be November 18th dependent on church availability. There will be no tickets or fee to attend, it's FREE. We are planning a raffle the night of the presentations, as a fundraiser for Shoestrings and will also sell refreshments for our usual 25 cents each. If you can donate NEW ITEMS OR SERVICES ( NO USED) please contact Laura Hreha. You will need to house the items or service (tee hee) until Thursday Nov.17th when you can deliver the items to the church. Raffle tickets are 2 for $1.00 or 10 for $4.00 and will sell on presentation night.
Classes begin Thursday, September 8th., 1:30 to 4:30 pm, and end on Thursday, November 17th, with a party and dress rehearsal for Presentation Night on November 18th. (tentatively, we are checking with church availability).
PLACE FOR CLASSES TO BE ANNOUNCED. WE ARE WORKING ON THAT. We will email you as soon as possible.
Tuition is $50.00 per month, (Sept, Oct, Nov.) and can be paid in a lump sum ($150.00). You pay $50.00 per month for your first child and $45.00 per month for each additional child. Tuition can be offset with collecting ads as usual. There will be no $250.00 front row sponsors this fall term,so no live commercials. You still can collect ads for all your tuition or part. You can pick up the forms at the meeting on September 8th. There will be no $55.00 production fee this fall. Parents and students need to attend the first meeting which is conducted during the first hour of our class time on Sept. 8th. Parents need to hear about our changes, ask questions, pick up paperwork, sign up students, and commit to a payment plan. After the first hour, parents can leave or stay and students will stay until 4:30 for Theatre Workshop.
We are looking ahead to the Winter/ Spring term and hoping to have funds for a production. We have plans to use what we have on hand and not buy new products for our spring production. There are still expenses acquired when producing even when new items are not added. Thus, the Winter/Spring term will cost one month's more tuition and a one time production fee of some amount.. $55.00 or less.
Please forward this email to anyone you know who is interested in our program. Participation ages are still 12 years to ??????.
The Importance of Being Earnest and The Significance of Being Father DVDs will be at the meeting for those of you who need to pick them up yet.
Thanks for your understanding, patience and participation.
See you on September 8th.
Laura, Jeannie, Carleen, Lynn.
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