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Monday, January 2, 2012

Coming Soon: HSG FOR SALE/WANTED Monthly Bulletin

Recently, I asked if there was interest in a book or curriculum swap or a one-time "FOR SALE" bulletin going out the the homeschool community. One family suggested having something like this available all the time. I think this is a great idea, but I want to see what you think! We do have a few existing options here for buying/selling our usable homeschool items~
  1. Professor Mom's offers used curriculum & homeschool supplies on consignment.
  2. The Yahoo Groups for JCHE and URHE (possibly others) give you immediate postings via email.
  3. The annual JCHE Used Curriculum Sale in June.
HSG proposal: To compile a monthly HSG FOR SALE/WANTED bulletin to be distributed on the 1st of each month. Professor Mom's has agreed to give me a list of their "Top 10" consignment items to be added to the list of available items. If you have homeschool items you need now or items would like to try selling before June, please email me before this Friday. (February deadline: Jan 27th)

We will give this a try and see how it goes, so even if you don't have buy/sell items right now, please be sure to let me know if you want to see this continue!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is a great idea to have an ongoing swap or for sale bulletin so we can seek, swap or sell whenever possible. Laura
