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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My TOP 5 Ways to Save $$ at the Jackson County Fair

Looking for ways to save money at the fair? Here's my TOP 5 LIST:

Regular parking fee: $4 at the fairgrounds
SAVE by parking for FREE at Crater High School and taking the shuttle over for $1/person. Of course, this is only a savings for groups of less than 4. Large family? Go ahead and park at the fairgrounds for $4/vehicle.

Regular price for ride tickets is somewhere around $1 each and you usually need between 3-5 tickets per ride, if I'm not mistaken. (We don't do a lot of rides, if any, when we go.)
SAVE by buying an all day unlimited rides wristband for the earlybird price of $25 (at the fair, it's $30), available at the Grange Co-op or Sherm's Thunderbird or Food 4 Less. Or, you can skip the rides all together! ☺

#3~ FOOD
Fair food is a wide variety of overpriced fried "delicacies", but if you're like my family, there's that one treat you look forward to each year.
SAVE by eating a full meal at home! Keep your eyes open for the FREE water cups available to stay hydrated.  And when the time comes, only buy that "must have" treat...and share it! (Not recommended for ice cream cones, if that's your thing!)

Regular adult admission is $10, children 6-11 are $6. Each. (5 and under are FREE!)
For my family of 4, only one "child", that means $36 right at the gate (plus the $4 to park!). If you have a larger family or plan to spend all day, this will eat up your funds real fast!
SAVE by going on one of the Discount Days! Tuesday, KIDS get in for $3. Wednesday, SENIORS get in for $3. Thursdays, retired or active VETERANS get in for $6. No discounts on Friday or Saturday, but on Sunday you can BUY ONE ADMISSION, GET ONE FREE!

My #1 way to save money at the fair....
is to be a part of the fun!
GET A FREE ADMISSION TICKET by entering an open class exhibit! Children under 17 have to enter a minimum of 1 junior open class exhibit to get their FREE admission ticket, adults must enter at least 3 to get theirs. But HURRY! You only have until 5pm this Friday, June 28th to get your Entry Form turned in!

Feel free to share YOUR tips for saving money at the fair!

For more Jackson Country Fair information, visit:

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