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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Morning Devotions conference call, Weekdays at 7am w/GayEllen Wulff

Dying to Self
In Scripture Jesus teaches us that the most important commandment is to love Him with our entire being and the second command in importance is to love you neighbor as yourself. As human beings we are incapable of truly loving our neighbors... without dying to our selfish human behaviors. Each morning for 15 minutes we gather on a conference call that will encourage you to focus on God and others rather than yourself. The conference line is 218-862-6420 access code 226706# the call is from 7:00 - 7:15am PST, m-f. (After saying hello, you can mute your line by entering *6)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Homeschool Flute Classes: Registration closes Friday, September 2!!!!!!

Registration closes Friday, September 2!!!!!!

Homeschool Flute Classes

1. Beginning Flute Class

Time: Wednesdays, 2:15-3:30

Location: 925 Rebecca Drive, Phoenix

Parents welcome as students, too!

Materials: A flute in good working condition (I'm happy to test-play flutes
for you), a portable music stand, instruction book titled Flute 101:
Mastering the Basics by Phyllis Louke and Patricia George

2. Intermediate Flute Class

Time: Wednesdays, 3:45-5:00

Location: 925 Rebecca Drive, Phoenix

Class admission by having completed the Beginning Flute Class or audition

Materials: A flute in good working condition, a portable music stand,
instruction book titled Flute 101: Mastering the Basics by Phyllis Louke and
Patricia George (, new book to be ordered by January

Fall Schedule:

First Class: Wednesday, September 7

Last Class for Fall Session: December 14

(11 classes for the fall session)

Recital: December 14 during class time


$20/month for September, October & December; $40/month of November (normally
$40/month, but instructor has a busy season filled with travel this fall!)


Rachel Olstad, a homeschooling mother to three, holds bachelor of music
degrees in flute performance and music education and was a beginning band
specialist in the public schools for five years.


Please contact Rachel Olstad at 541-535-8479 or to
register or for more information.

Colonial Dancing

"Just a reminder that we will be dancing at the Evergreen Ballroom this Saturday at 6pm. Hope to see you all there!

The Consiglios"

Sunday, August 28, 2011

from Shoestring Productions: Fall Term

from Shoestring Productions:

Hello again!

Shoestring Productions will be making some changes for the Fall term.

Our last performance made no fiscal profit, therefore there isn't enough money in the account to fund a fall production. If you want more information on the "money matters" just ask Carleen, Laura or Jeannie, we can show you a financial statement. Having no production will save at least $500.00 of expenses. Jeannie is excited to teach more skills and less focus on production for a season.

Instead of a production (play), it has been decided to conduct "Theatre Skills Workshops". These classes conducted by Jeannie and Laura Rogers, are all those fun skits, recitations, improvisations, and games that the students always enjoy and usually ask for more! Theatre skills teach public speaking, cooperation, communication, planning, quick thinking, focus, articulation, trust and confidence. Students will be involved and participating throughout the entire class time. There may some take home assignments to prepare for the presentation night. The presentation night will be a way for students to "show off" their skills learned during the Skills Workshops. Presentation Night will be November 18th dependent on church availability. There will be no tickets or fee to attend, it's FREE. We are planning a raffle the night of the presentations, as a fundraiser for Shoestrings and will also sell refreshments for our usual 25 cents each. If you can donate NEW ITEMS OR SERVICES ( NO USED) please contact Laura Hreha. You will need to house the items or service (tee hee) until Thursday Nov.17th when you can deliver the items to the church. Raffle tickets are 2 for $1.00 or 10 for $4.00 and will sell on presentation night.

Classes begin Thursday, September 8th., 1:30 to 4:30 pm, and end on Thursday, November 17th, with a party and dress rehearsal for Presentation Night on November 18th. (tentatively, we are checking with church availability).

PLACE FOR CLASSES TO BE ANNOUNCED. WE ARE WORKING ON THAT. We will email you as soon as possible.
Tuition is $50.00 per month, (Sept, Oct, Nov.) and can be paid in a lump sum ($150.00). You pay $50.00 per month for your first child and $45.00 per month for each additional child. Tuition can be offset with collecting ads as usual. There will be no $250.00 front row sponsors this fall term,so no live commercials. You still can collect ads for all your tuition or part. You can pick up the forms at the meeting on September 8th. There will be no $55.00 production fee this fall. Parents and students need to attend the first meeting which is conducted during the first hour of our class time on Sept. 8th. Parents need to hear about our changes, ask questions, pick up paperwork, sign up students, and commit to a payment plan. After the first hour, parents can leave or stay and students will stay until 4:30 for Theatre Workshop.

We are looking ahead to the Winter/ Spring term and hoping to have funds for a production. We have plans to use what we have on hand and not buy new products for our spring production. There are still expenses acquired when producing even when new items are not added. Thus, the Winter/Spring term will cost one month's more tuition and a one time production fee of some amount.. $55.00 or less.

Please forward this email to anyone you know who is interested in our program. Participation ages are still 12 years to ??????.
The Importance of Being Earnest and The Significance of Being Father DVDs will be at the meeting for those of you who need to pick them up yet.

Thanks for your understanding, patience and participation.

See you on September 8th.
Laura, Jeannie, Carleen, Lynn.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

OFF TOPIC, but may still be relevant for some of you:)

"Are you a mother of boys who often finds herself wanting to waive the white flag in defeat?

Do they drain you, overwhelm you, steal your heart, break your heart and cause you more anxiety than you ever dreamed possible?

Maybe you only have one boy amongst a sea of estrogen and you just can’t figure out how to respond to him in a way that affirms all that is good about his masculinity.

You're not alone.

Last May, over 1300 women and a few dads in SEVEN different countries joined together to pray purposefully and passionately for the hearts of their sons.

21 Days of Prayer for Sons is based on the best-selling eBook Warrior Prayers: Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most (get your copy here )

Join us for the fall edition September 6-26, 2011. "

HS'ers w/grades 4-8th: Crater Lake field trip in-the-making:)

HS'ers w/grades 4-8th: Are you interested in a Sept or early Oct field trip to Crater Lake? We would have the opportunity to spend the day with a park ranger learning about the region and it's unique characteristics. This would be FREE to participation families, including park entrance. Email Tika at  with your name, child(ren)'s grade(s) and what days of the week work best for you!

Friday, August 26, 2011


Due to the high temps forecasted for Sunday and the low number of RSVPs I received, I decided to go ahead and cancel @The August HS Gathering~Family Picnic & Ice Cream Social. I can only assume that the two are related :)

Moms~ Please be sure to mark your calendars for the The September HS Gathering on Sept 19th.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Tika Weeks

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sunday's HS Family Gathering

So, I have to ask~ It is forecasted to be at least 96* on Sunday, with the high point during The August HS FAMILY GATHERING~ Picnic & Ice Cream Social- If I go buy ice cream, will you really be there??? (Last month's Gathering was this HOT and only 2 families showed!) Please update your RSVP's, if necessary! Thank you so much, for taking the time! ☺

Location: Holmes Park
Time: ‎4:00PM Sunday, August 28th

More FREE back-to-(home)school gifts!

from Knowledge Quest:
This full-color e-book, featuring 9 different countries from around the world, is chock full of fascinating information, beautiful photos and fun activities to help you & your children learn more about our amazing world and the people living on it.

Monday, August 22, 2011

FREE from The Old Schoolhouse magazine

Free gift for anyone, just for a few days. My gift to YOU. This is the 10-pack of WANNABE series (vocational ebooks for kids). Normally $35, but for you, it's FREE until Aug 27. Use code FBWANNABE when checking out so that you don't pay a DIME. Happy homeschooling from TOS!

Grants Pass homeschoolers

TEACH meeting Thursday, September 1 @ 7:30 PM at Gateway Church on Williams Hwy. Speakers on Creation and ice cream social afterwards. Bring the whole family!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Homeschool 101 Q&A at Phoenix Library 8/23

Homeschooling 101

Are you a new homeschooler?  Considering homeschooling?  Don’t know where to begin or if you can do it?  This presentation will arm you with the tools and confidence to begin your journey of independent homeschooling.  Learn about Oregon Laws regarding homeschooling, types of homeschooling,
learning styles, curriculum options, and local resources. Veteran homeschoolers are welcome to attend and share ideas after presentation.
Homeschooling 101
Tuesday August 23rd
7:00 pm
Phoenix Library  
The objective of the presentation is to help those new to homeschooling learn about Oregon laws, curriculum, learning styles, and resources (local and other).

from Think Tank Kids! (Imagymnation): Air Rockets Workshop Aug 24th

Think Tank Kids! (Imagymnation)

Air Rockets! Wed, August 24 9:30 - 12:00 Cost: $15

Want to build a rocket! No problem! In this workshop kids will build rockets out of paper and then launch them on our custom compressed air launch system. We will be using a curriculum from NASA to further enhance the experience by each student building their own altitude tracker and then students will log their results. This will be the first class in a series of NASA based curriculum classes we are going to offer.

Contact Michelle at to register or visit their website

from JCHE: Home School Rally Sept 16th

Time: Friday, September 16 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm


Location: Kid Time Discovery Experience
106 N. Central
Medford, OR


More Info: Bring your family and enjoy an evening of fun, fellowship, and support with Jackson County Home Educators. Come see what kind of resources are available to enrich your homeschooling journey, and find out what kind of activities are possible through cooperation within our homeschool community.

The evening will begin with a short ice breaker, followed by a motivational talk with JCHE Board President, Don Walker. We hope you will be inspired to strengthen our homeschool community, encourage one another, and fuel your zeal to educate your children at home.

We will have full use of Kid Time Discovery Experience; a kid friendly place that encourages families to learn together through play. There are more displays this year, thanks to cooperation with the Jacksonville Children's Museum. Enjoy the new location for Kid Time for free and dessert will be provided by JCHE.

To ensure we have enough dessert for everyone attending, please RSVP with Leslie Lundgren via Facebook, email at:, or call 541-944-8535.

HSG~ The August HS Gathering! Family Picnic & Ice Cream Social 8/28

Please join us for the last HS Gathering of the summer!

What: HSG Family Picnic and Ice Cream Social
Where: at Holmes Park, on Modoc Ave between Siskiyou Bl and Main St
When: Sun, Aug 28th, 4-7pm

Please bring your picnic basket to feed your family and an ice cream topping to share!
Other things to bring: water, blanket, chairs, bikes, frisbees, and THE WHOLE FAMILY!

Spread the word and be sure to let us know you're coming so we can bring enough ice cream! RSVP to Tika Weeks at

Teacher Appreciation Week at Office Depot Aug 21-27

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The September HS Gathering~ "Back-to-(Home)School"

The September HS Gathering~ "Back-to-(Home)School"
Monday, Sept 19th at 300 Lynwood Ave, Medford

As the new homeschool year begins, I invite you come meet other Medford-area homeschool moms, pray and intercede on behalf of our families and homes. I encourage you to then stay for food and fellowship!

6:00-6:30 Arrivals & Introductions*
6:30-7:00 Praise & Prayer for our Homeschool Endeavors
7:00-9:00 Food & Fellowship

Feel free to extend this invitation to other local homeschoolers, just make sure to RSVP before 9/17 so I know how many to expect!

Blessings to you and yours,
Tika Weeks (541)778-7215

(*If you are unable to arrive before 6:30, please join us for fellowship anytime after 7pm, so our prayertime can be focused and uninterrupted. Thank you!)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Freebies & Other Deals for Back to HOMEschool Savings!

Check this list to see if you have any of these items on your back-to-homeschool shopping list!

  • dry erase markers
  • mechanical pencils
  • ballpoint pens
Buy them at TARGET and get them for FREE or close to it!

~Expo Dry Erase Markers, 2 ct. $1.50  $0.50 with Target coupon
$1.00/1 – Expo Item, 2ct or Larger Dry Erase Markers or Cleaner, Target Coupon – (

~Bic Shimmers Mechanical Pencils, 8 ct $0.90

~PaperMate Eagle Ballpoint Pens 10 ct $0.50   FREE with Target coupon

  • labels
  • 2 pocket folders
Through 8/24, print this coupon and take it to your nearest Staples for 300 FREE Instant Labels, made in store the same day!
Also from STAPLES, through Sunday 8/13:

after easy rebate
SKU: 122408
Valid 8/7 - 8/13
after easy rebate
SKU: 521171
Valid 8/7 - 8/13
SKU: 017144
Valid 8/7 - 8/13
each, with $5 minimum purchase
SKU: 430421
Valid 8/7 - 8/13
SKU: 781671
Valid 8/7 - 8/13

And don't forget about the Teacher Appeciation Days at Jo-ann's this weekend!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

from Staples: Teacher Appreciation Day is Aug 20th!

Join us for a day of celebration to say thanks for all you do.
Don't miss these great perks at your local event.

FREE thank you gift bag*
Great coupon savings
Get a sneak peek at must-have new items for your classroom
Help spread the word. Make sure your fellow teachers know about this event.

*FREE gift bag available for first 100 teachers. While supplies last.

Homeschool Flute Classes with Rachel Olstad

Homeschool Flute Classes

1. Beginning Flute Class

Time: Wednesdays, 2:15-3:30
Location: 925 Rebecca Drive, Phoenix
Parents welcome as students, too!
Materials: A flute in good working condition (I'm happy to test-play flutes
for you), a portable music stand, instruction book titled Flute 101:
Mastering the Basics by Phyllis Louke and Patricia George

2. Intermediate Flute Class

Time: Wednesdays, 3:45-5:00
Location: 925 Rebecca Drive, Phoenix
Class admission by having completed the Beginning Flute Class or audition
Materials: A flute in good working condition, a portable music stand,
instruction book titled Flute 101: Mastering the Basics by Phyllis Louke and
Patricia George (, new book to be ordered by January

Fall Schedule:
First Class: Wednesday, September 7
Last Class for Fall Session: December 14
(11 classes for the fall session)
Recital: December 14 during class time

$20/month for September, October & December; $40/month of November (normally
$40/month, but instructor has a busy season filled with travel this fall!)

Rachel Olstad, a homeschooling mother to three, holds bachelor of music
degrees in flute performance and music education and was a beginning band
specialist in the public schools for five years.

Please contact Rachel Olstad at 541-535-8479 or to
register or for more information.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Note from The HS Gathering of Southern Oregon

Dear Southern Oregon Homeschool families,

The 2011-2012 school year is almost underway (maybe it is already for your family!) and I hope that you are finding our new website to be a helpful resource for your family. Please be sure to pass it on to other homeschool families ~ veterans, newbies, and those in between!

There are a few upcoming activities that I want to be sure to point out to you, in case you missed them the first time around:
  1. HSG (The Home School Gathering, that's us!) will be hosting another FAMILY GATHERING on Sunday, August 28th at 4pm at shady Holmes Park in Medford. This will be our last summer event of the year for the whole family, so be sure to come out and join the fun! For more information, click here .
  2. JCHE (Jackson County Home Educators) is hosting a Homeschool Rally on Friday, September 16th at 6:30pm at Kid Time Discovery Experience in Medford. This is a great opportunity to be encouraged and motivated by JCHE's Board President, Don Walker, as well as connect with representatives of local resources and support groups. For more information, click here . *HSG will be there!
  3. THINK TANK KIDS (Imagymnation) is a local business, owned by the homeschooling Hennes family, and they offer a wide variety of activities and classes that are a perfect addition to homeschooling. Please be sure to visit their website at to find our more about their Homeschool PE classes, Science classes, Animation classes and more!
My prayer is that you are enjoying this beautiful summer and I look forward to seeing you at least one of these events! If you have any questions or activities to add to our website, please contact me at

Blessings to you and yours,
Tika Weeks 541-778-7215
The HS Gathering

HSG~ The August HS FAMILY GATHERING~ Picnic & Ice Cream social

Please join us for the last HS Gathering of the summer!

What: HSG Family Picnic and Ice Cream Social
Where: at Holmes Park, on Modoc Ave between Siskiyou Bl and Main St
When: Sun, Aug 28th, 4-7pm

Please bring your picnic basket to feed your family and an ice cream topping to share!
Other things to bring: water, blanket, chairs, bikes, frisbees, and THE WHOLE FAMILY!

Spread the word and be sure to let us know you're coming so we can bring enough ice cream! RSVP to Tika Weeks at

HSG FIELD TRIP~ Harry & David Factory Tour (additional time/space added!)

Due to the wonderful response we have had for this HSG FIELD TRIP, Harry & David has agreed to let us reserve the next timeslot at 10:30am. If we fill this one up, we will see if they will give us the next one too!

HSG FIELD TRIP~ Harry & David Factory Tour
Monday, October 3, 2011 at 10:15am
Meet at Harry & David Country Village, Medford, OR
Monday, October 3 · 9:00am - 12:00pm


Meet at Harry & David Country Village
1314 Center Dr., Medford, Oregon. Take I-5 to Exit 27, or Hwy 99 to Stewart Ave.
Medford, OR

More Info:
Tour one of America's largest and most successful mail order firms during their busiest season! (This means we get to see the factory "in action" instead of a video presentation!)

12 & under~ FREE
13 & older~ $5 (includes a coupon for $5 off any purchase of $40 or more at the Country Village on the day of the tour).

TO REGISTER w/the HSG group:
1) RSVP with a "Yes, I'm attending" to Tika Weeks
2) In the "Comment" section, write the # of people in your party
3) Watch your email for H&D contact info to complete reservation

The Old Schoolhouse - Summer 2011 - Free Gift Issue

The Old Schoolhouse - Summer 2011 - Free Gift Issue
The Old Schoolhouse is a glossy, full-color magazine packed with information and articles that homeschoolers enjoy reading.

Think Tank Kids! (Imagymnation) presents: Puppet Workshop

Think Tank Kids! (Imagymnation)
Think Tank Kids! (Imagymnation)

We are putting together a purposed date of Monday August 22d for a puppet work shop. Cost will be $15. All materials are covered. Time will be form 10:00 - 12:15. Please email Michelle @  to register or visit .

Think Tank Kids (Imagymnation) presents: Soft Air Dart Battle THIS FRIDAY!

Think Tank Kids! (Imagymnation)
Think Tank Kids! (Imagymnation):

Soft Air Dart Battle Friday 8/12, 7-9pm $10
We want to have attendance high for this soft air dart battle. Attendance has been down a lot since April. We want to continue offering these, but we need to have the support in numbers. Please come play this Friday evening.

Please contact Michelle to register or visit their website .

JCHE presents: Home School Rally

Time: Friday, September 16 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm


Location: Kid Time Discovery Experience
106 N. Central
Medford, OR


More Info: Bring your family and enjoy an evening of fun, fellowship, and support with Jackson County Home Educators. Come see what kind of resources are available to enrich your homeschooling journey, and find out what kind of activities are possible through cooperation within our homeschool community.

The evening will begin with a short ice breaker, followed by a motivational talk with JCHE Board President, Don Walker. We hope you will be inspired to strengthen our homeschool community, encourage one another, and fuel your zeal to educate your children at home.

We will have full use of Kid Time Discovery Experience; a kid friendly place that encourages families to learn together through play. There are more displays this year, thanks to cooperation with the Jacksonville Children's Museum. Enjoy the new location for Kid Time for free and dessert will be provided by JCHE.

To ensure we have enough dessert for everyone attending, please RSVP with Leslie Lundgren via Facebook, email at:, or call 541-944-8535.

Think Tank Kids! (Imagymnation) presents: Air Rockets! workshop

Think Tank Kids! (Imagymnation)

Air Rockets! Wed, August 24 9:30 - 12:00 Cost: $15

Want to build a rocket! No problem! In this workshop kids will build rockets out of paper and then launch them on our custom compressed air launch system. We will be using a curriculum from NASA to further enhance the experience by each student building their own altitude tracker and then students will log their results. This will be the first class in a series of NASA based curriculum classes we are going to offer.

Contact Michelle at to register or visit their website

Monday, August 8, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Days @ Office Depot coming soon! Aug. 21 - Aug. 27

Teacher Appreciation Days @Jo-ann's this weekend! Aug 13-14

banner: Jo-Ann Teacher Rewards 2010-2011 
Program Benefits
Free discount card for 15% off every purchase* from September 1 to August 31.
Bonus coupon for 20% off any one total purchase when you enroll or re-enroll in the program.
More of our popular, money-saving coupons as a Jo-Ann Preferred Customer.
Personal notice of the latest sales offers, crafting trends & inspiration.
*Excludes remnants, patterns, gift cards, and previous purchases.

To Sign up Ask a Team Member at any Jo-Ann store or Register Online

Home School Educators require:
  • an affidavit to home school, and
  • letter from their district
  • a membership ID card from an official Home School association
(ex.: PEAH, HSLDA or state/local Home School association)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Possible HSG Field Trips

Possible HSG field trip? CRATER LAKE, plus hikeAll ages, plus handicap accessible hike to Plaikni Falls ("Easy to Moderate" 2.2 miles, 100' elevation gain).

If you're interested in going, let me know if you'd prefer a weekday before or after Labor Day.
Crater Lake has inspired people for hundreds of years. No place else on earth combines a deep, pure lake, so blue in color; sheer surrounding cliffs, almost two thousand feet high; two picturesque islands; and a violent volcanic past.
Possible HSG field trip? OREGON CAVES, plus Watershed program
(1 day park ranger presentation) geared to grades 6-8.

If you're interested, please let me know! I will need a voluteer to organize this group is there is enough interest ☺
Hydrology Lesson Plan (5th - 8th)
Possible HSG field trip? OREGON CAVES, plus Geology program
(1 day park ranger presentation) geared to grades 3-5.

If you're interested, please let me know!
Geology: how it changes and affects our world

Check out this list of educator discounts!

Pizza Hut's BookIt Reading Incentive Program (for Homeschoolers)

Pizza Hut's BookIt Reading Incentive Program (for Homeschoolers) for students K-6th

The enrollment deadline is September 1st, so don't forget!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Colonial Dancing

Colonial Dancing
Saturday August 6, 2011
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
(This event repeats every month on the first Saturday.)
Location: Evergreen Ballroom, White City
Street: 6088 Crater Lake Ave.
City State Zip: Central Point, OR 97502

Come join us for an evening of community Colonial dancing! All you need to know is your right from your left and be able to walk! It is really that easy! Every dance and move is explained in detail before you begin.
Come as a family or make it your 'date night' - all ages welcome!

P.S. - The address for Evergreen Ballroom is in Central Point but in actuality it is in White City on Crater Lake Ave. that runs parallel to Hwy 62.

Art Lessons by Charity Hubbard

Art Lessons by Charity Hubbard
Drawing, light to dark values, perspective, color theory and painting are all taught on a rotational basis with focused instruction on learning to draw well as a foundation. Private lessons or spaces in small classes with plenty of individual instruction are available for ages 10 and up.  Slots are available during the day for home school students or after school on selected days. Reserve a spot soon, space is limited. Please contact Charity through her website at: or by phone (541) 830-5554

Algebra 1 Classes

Algebra 1 Classes

Taking registrations for Saxon Algebra I (3rd edition) classes with Leslie Lundgren.
Classes will be 2 hours each Tues., Wed. Fri. starting Sept. 6th.
Cost: $25 per student per week
A location has not been secured at this time, class space is limited.
If interested, contact Leslie at or 541-944-8535
Registration deadline is Monday, August 29th. Once the student has registered, they will have until August 31 to complete an assessment test.

Homeschooling 101

Homeschooling 101

Are you a new homeschooler?  Considering homeschooling?  Don’t know where to begin or if you can do it?  This presentation will arm you with the tools and confidence to begin your journey of independent homeschooling.  Learn about Oregon Laws regarding homeschooling, types of homeschooling,
learning styles, curriculum options, and local resources. Veteran homeschoolers are welcome to attend and share ideas after presentation.
Homeschooling 101
Tuesday August 23rd
7:00 pm
Phoenix Library  
The objective of the presentation is to help those new to homeschooling learn about Oregon laws, curriculum, learning styles, and resources (local and other).

Special Needs Homeschool Support Group

Special Needs Homeschool Support Group

If you are homeschooling a child with special needs, you are invited to a support group just for you. We meet the second Monday of each month September through May from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Our next meeting will be at the Professor Mom’s Schoolhouse office at 1505 Sage Rd. Suite B in Medford on Monday, September 12th. We will visit around a cup of coffee or tea, have a time of prayer for one another, and share our goals, hopes, and dreams for the upcoming school year. You may join the special needs yahoo group by visiting the following: You may also contact Leslie at for more information.

Homeschool Karate

Homeschool Karate

Quantum Martial Arts at 151 W. Linn Rd. Suite C3 in Eagle Point is a certified United Fighting Arts Federation school that has been offering Chun Kuk Do Karate classes for homeschoolers. Grandmaster, Mr. Chuck Norris, has developed an excellent curriculum that not only addresses the physical aspect of martial arts, but also emphasizes personal growth in self-respect and excellence in achievement. The instructors are all UFAF certified black belts. The classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:45 to 5:45pm. The cost is $55 on a month to month basis, rather than signing a long term contract.

Contact Dan Bluhm at 541-821-4538 for more information.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

FREE Kids' Workshop~ Pencil Box Holders at The Home Depot 8/6

Time Saturday, August 6 · 9:00am - 12:00pm


Location: your local Home Depot store


Making Pencil Box Holders

To get ready for back-to-school, children can build a pencil box holder
This FREE family activity, designed for children ages 5-12, instills confidence and a sense of achievement
All children will get to keep their craft and receive a FREE Kids Workshop Apron, commemorative pin and certificate of achievement

A Dolphin's Tale movie (HSG group rate info update)

For those of you interested in seeing A Dolphin's Tale, I contacted Tinseltown to find out if they would be showing the movie and if we could get a group rate for our homeschool group. I heard back from the manager today and he informed me that they don't get confirmation of film bookings until the Monday or Tuesday prior to a film's release (in this case, Sept 19th or 20th). I will follow up with this again when we get closer to the release date! In the meantime, please mark your calendars (*tentatively*) for Tuesday, September 27th.

I also inquired about a possible field trip of Tinseltown "behind the scenes". I would like to get an idea of how many would be interested in doing these, so either reply below or email

A Dolphin's Tale

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bugs R Us is coming to Kid Time

Bugs R Us is coming to Kid Time

Time: Saturday, August 13 · 11:00am - 1:00pm


Location: Kid Time Discovery Experience


More Info Come beat the heat and learn about everything bugs! This event is free with your Kid Time admission or membership.

The Thinkers, Performing Live at Kid Time!

The Thinkers, Performing Live at Kid Time!Time: Sunday, August 7 · 1:00pm - 4:00pm


Location: Kid Time Discovery Experience
106 N. Central Ave
Medford, OR

More Info The Thinkers are a friendship band that plays joyous pop music for children and those that are young at heart. Their debut album "Oh Zoooty!" is, well, the zootiest feeling ever heard! They are all the way from the east coast and you won't want to miss it. Check out their website to listen to some of their songs
541-772-9922 for more info

Christian Music Skate Night at Roller Odyssey

Time: Thursday, August 4 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Roller Odyssey
2425 S. Pacific Highway
Medford, Oregon
RSVP to: Connie Ivey 541-941-2452
For all of us who have been wanting another skate night with all our friends...the wait is over. Roller Odyssey is having a Christian Music skate night on August 4th (every 1st Thursday of the month). The cost is $6 per person plus skate rental. If we come as a group we can get a group rate. We have to give advance notice and pay together as a group (all at the same time) to do so. We get $1 for 10 people, $2 off for 20, and $3 off for 30. So if 30 of us go, it will only cost $3 per person plus skate rental. The best part is they will be playing Christian music that night. Will be a ton fun and fellowship. Please RSVP as soon as you can so we know how many we have in advance to attain the group rate. Thanks so much. Hope to see you there!


from Office Depot: STAR TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK Aug. 21 - Aug. 27 (Medford)
Get 20% off instantly on qualifying in-store purchases with your Member Card! Plus FREE Breakfast and giveaways on Saturday, Aug 27th from 9am-11am.


At Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores: "Teachers: Get 15% off every purchase, every day with Teacher Rewards! (Get 20% off entire purchase during Teacher Appreciation Days Aug 13-14!)."
Teacher Rewards!
Don't forget to sign up for 15% all year!

HSG FIELD TRIP~ Harry & David Factory Tour

HSG FIELD TRIP~ Harry & David Factory Tour
Monday, October 3, 2011 at 9:00am
Meet at Harry & David Country Village, Medford, OR
Monday, October 3 · 9:00am - 12:00pm

Meet at Harry & David Country Village
1314 Center Dr., Medford, Oregon. Take I-5 to Exit 27, or Hwy 99 to Stewart Ave.
Medford, OR

Created By

More Info
Tour one of America's largest and most successful mail order firms during their busiest season! (This means we get to see the factory "in action" instead of a video presentation!)

12 & under~ FREE
13 & older~ $5 (includes a coupon for $5 off any purchase of $40 or more at the Country Village on the day of the tour).

TO REGISTER w/the HSG group:
1) RSVP with a "Yes, I'm attending" to this event by Aug 7th, 2011
2) In the "Comment" section, write the # of people in your party
3) Watch your email for H&D contact info to complete reservation

"Princess and the PopStar" Veggie Tale premier Extravaganza

"Princess and the PopStar" Veggie Tale premier Extravaganza
Location: Trail Christian Fellowship - Great Room 18881 Highway 62, Eagle Point
Time: ‎7:00PM Wednesday, August 10th
Join the Children's Ministry for a fun filled evening. Bring your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors. This movie is for anyone 4 years and older. Adults welcome, or attend Adult Bible Study with Pastor Travis Connick.

Drumming with Laura Rich

Drumming with Laura Rich Read Press Release (PDF) Summer Reading Program

Free Family Movie at the Eagle Point Branch Library

Free Family Movie at the Eagle Point Branch Library Read Press Release (PDF)

Body and Face Painting for Children

Body and Face Painting for Children Read Press Release (PDF)

World Collage

World Collage Read Press Release (PDF)

Oregon Conservatory of Performing Arts presents Happy Days

Oregon Conservatory of Performing Arts presents Happy Days Read Press Release (PDF)

World Music with Bryan Jeffs

World Music with Bryan Jeffs Read Press Release (PDF)

Paint a Mural!

Paint a Mural! Read Press Release (PDF)

Flick n’ Float at Jackson Pool

Flick n’ Float at Jackson Pool Read Press Release (PDF)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Beka Homeschool Curriculum

Here is a great opportunity for you to view A Beka Book home school materials and receive free shipping on your A Beka Book order for this year. Here is the schedule for upcoming home school materials display in your area.

Date: August 10, 2011
Time: 11am-3pm
Rogue Regency Inn & Suites
2300 Biddle Rd.
Medford, OR 97504
Date: August 11, 2011
Time: 11am-3pm
The Lodge at Riverside
955 S.E. Seventh St.
Grants Pass, OR 97526

A Beka Book Representative: Keith Wells

2011 Southern Oregon Community Fair and International Walldog Mural Event

from Southern Oregon Community Fun Fair:

Location: Rogue Valley Family Fun Center
Time: ‎10:00AM Friday, August 19th

The Southern Oregon Community Fun Fair would like to personally invite you to participate in the upcoming 2011 Southern Oregon Community Fun Fair.

This will be an exciting, 3-day family-fun event with many local businesses offering free samples and back-to-school specials.

* Back-to-school theme.

* Free community event for children and family

* Jump Houses,-

* Party Ponies, - Party Ponies

* Petting Zoo,

* Face Painting,

* Free school pictures for kids,

* Kids’ arts & crafts

* Business Ad specialties for kids and families

* Food Vendors

* Snow Cones

* Car show featuring new and vintage automobiles

* Martial Arts demonstrations, Medieval Arts presentations

* Daily raffles. Cash Prizes, Gift Certificates, Trip to Cancun Mexico.

* Dunk tanks

* Local race car drivers to sign free autographs

* Seat belt safety demonstrations

* Magicians, cultural vendors, and much more!

Ashland Branch "One Potato, Two Potato” Puppet Theater

from Jackson County Library Services - Oregon: Ashland Branch "One Potato, Two Potato” Puppet Theater • August 2, from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

Soft Air Dart (Nerf) Battle!

from Think Tank Kids! (Imagymnation): Soft Air Dart (Nerf) Battles! Fri, Aug 12, $10. See website for registration information.
Ages - Kids ages 6 and up! **Registration begins a half hour before start of play.** Friday, August 12 7pm - 9pm We are limiting the session to 50 players! We recommend you register ahead of time. Walk-ins are welcome! Please email or call 541 - 821- 4997

All About Bats

from Bugs R Us & City of Medford Parks & Rec:

"Learn all about the world of BATS this Wednesday, August 3rd at the CITY OF MEDFORD PARKS and REC dept. at the Santo Center. All that attend receive BAT house instructions and BAT coloring pages. 1-2 pm. Call 774-2400 for more info."

from City of Medford: "Despicable Me" this Sat 7pm at Lone Pine Park

from City of Medford: "Despicable Me" this Sat 7pm at Lone Pine Park

Location: Lone Pine Park
Time: ‎7:00PM Saturday, August 6th

FREE Movie: "Despicable Me"
Pre-show activities start at 7:00PM
Showtime is at dusk.
Theme: Hot Summer Nights
Pre-Show Activity: Face Painting and Hula Hoop Contest

For more information visit